Flights day.Xin latest promotion offers you , fare newsletter today like to introduce you to the program and the sale of cheap tickets on Air Asia . AK will give customers the option Vietnam attractive destination with the price from only 0 . Countries in the region are waiting for you to explore : Malaysia , Bangkok , South Korea , Japan , Tapei , Philippines ... it is amazing you correctly .
The members of BIG ( close members of Air Asia ) will be exchanged points before taking flight on 31/3 . The rest as deposit will have to wait until 2300 on new 1APR find cheaper tickets .
What forms of payment are Visa credit card SML and all of you . When you book your reservation Air Asia will be around 2 - 4am , depending on the stage and away days .
Time to book : from 11pm until 11pm 1-4 days 7-4 .
Flying time : from 30-4-2014 until 1-1-2014 .
Some itinerary departing from Saigon
Saigon to Malaysia with price 107 USD , namely :
Saigon - Kuala leg : 60 USD
Kuala - Saigon afternoon about 47 USD.
Saigon to Thailand costs 62 USD , namely :
If you take the capital Jakarta , the following combinations , total 151 USD :
Saigon return to Kuala price : 68 USD
Kuala - Jakarta one-way price : 22 USD
Jakarta - Bali one-way price : 22 USD
Bali - Kuala one-way price : 39 USD
THEGIOIVERE.NET pleased to help you put the program first 100 lucky people , as always when conditions will transfer ticket before all of you . Since the first 101 will cost $ 2 / ticket . The fee will help to develop conditional THEGIOIVERE.NET better to help you with the cheapest tickets .
If you have contributions or discuss the blog please THEGIOIVERE.NET :
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