Hi, this article will help you to check-in online with a Vietnam Airlines (VNA). With online check-in will help you from having to take the long queues that last boss straight-line check-in counters are less customers, reduce wait times. The detailed steps for your reference below as follows:
Step1: Access thewebcheck-inat the following address:
Step2: Fill inthe informationas
shown belowand thenclickCheck-in
Start at: DepartureCity
Codesiteat: ReservationCode:
Step3: Thepassengerandflight
itineraryappear asshown below,
Select your gender: Male (Male) orFemale(Famale)
Morefrequentcustomer cardifGLP: AddNumber
Step4: Chooseyour favoriteseat, notethe whiteseat
selectionokay. Ashe wasselectedin theseat19A.
Step5: printingticketsoutokay, notokayincountersforonlineandprintcheckstohelpyou.
-40 hoursagoJustopenand closeto 2hours beforetheflighttickets.
-Theproceduresticketsonline, you will not be refunded, ticketchangeagainall of you.
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